UNC Besucherzentrum Morehead Planetarium Gebäude 250 Ost Franklin Straße Chapel Hill, NC Telefon: (919) 962-1630 uncvisitorscenterunc. edu Öffnungszeiten: 9 Uhr bis 5 Uhr Montag-Freitag Theres kein Platz auf der Erde ganz wie Carolina. Unsere Geschichte ist eine lebendige, atmende Präsenz auf dem Campus und verbindet unsere zeitgenössische Gemeinschaft mit einem Erbe, so alt wie unsere Nation. Hier im UNC Visitors Center wollen wir die vielen Geschichten unserer außergewöhnlichen Universität teilen und euch die Innovationen, Auswirkungen und Zugänglichkeit vorstellen, die heute die Identität von Carolinas definieren. Ob Sie mit UNC gut vertraut sind oder sich auf dem Campus zum ersten Mal einsetzen, hier gibt es etwas für jeden. Wir laden Sie ein, für Anleitungen, Empfehlungen und Einblicke zu stoppen, um uns Ihren Besuch anzupassen, um sicherzustellen, dass es sich um eine True Blue Carolina Experience handelt . Gymnasiasten, Transferstudenten und Gymnasiasten werden ermutigt, einen Campusbesuch mit dem Amt für Zulassungen zu planen. Die Eintritte sind 7-8 Minuten zu Fuß vom UNC Visitors Center entfernt. ALLGEMEINE BESUCHER Willkommen bei Carolina Tours 8211 Enthusiastische und kompetente Führer führen die Aktivitäten der Universität, Markenzeichen und Traditionen auf einer einstündigen Wanderung auf dem Campus vor. Wir glauben, dass Carolina ein ganz besonderer Ort ist, und wir freuen uns, es mit Ihnen zu teilen Morgen Touren werden um 11 Uhr jeden Wochentag außer Donnerstag stattfinden. Nachmittags-Touren werden Montag-Donnerstag um 3 Uhr abgehalten. Um sich für eine Tour anzumelden, bitte senden Sie uns unser Formular. Unbezahlbare Gem Tours 8211 Im Freitags während des akademischen Jahres angeboten, sind diese Touren eine außergewöhnliche Gelegenheit, um spezifische Themen in der Tiefe mit einem Experten auf dem Gebiet zu erkunden. Bitte klicken Sie hier für weitere Informationen . Kommen Sie nicht zu uns für eine Tour Bitte kommen Sie zu jeder Zeit während unserer Öffnungszeiten Wir können Ihnen Carolina vorstellen, orientieren Sie auf Campus und bieten Ihnen alle Informationen, die Sie benötigen, um das Beste aus Ihrem Besuch in UNC-Chapel Hill zu machen. Klicken Sie hier, um unsere interaktive Campuskarte zu erkunden. UNC MITARBEITER Begleiten Sie uns für die Erkundung des historischen Campus im Herzen unserer Gemeinde Von den Geschichten, die den Stoff unserer Universität zu den Möglichkeiten und Ressourcen für Fakultät und Personal zur Verfügung stellen, bieten unsere Orientierungs-Touren eine gründliche Einführung in Carolina für beide neue Und langjährige Mitarbeiter. Orientierungsführungen finden jeden Montag um 13.00 Uhr statt. Um sich anzumelden, wenden Sie sich bitte an das UNC Visitors Center unter (919) 962-1630 oder uncvisitorscenterunc. edu GRADUATE STUDENTEN Wir bieten regelmäßige Graduierungstouren für eingeschriebene Studierende und potenzielle Bewerber an Leded von einem aktuellen Doktoranden, führt diese Tour unseren Campus ein und beinhaltet eine Rezension von Hilfreiche Informationen über Gehäuse, Essen, Erholung und Leben in Carolina. Bitte melden Sie sich hier an, indem Sie das UNC Visitors Center als Sponsor aus dem Dropdown-Menü wählen, um auf verfügbare Tourzeiten zuzugreifen. Die Tour besucht keine spezifischen Programme, bitte wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Abteilung mit Fragen zu Ihrem Programm oder um mit Professoren und Berater zu treffen. Überprüfen Sie die Abteilungswebsite für den entsprechenden Programmkontakt. K-12 AUSBILDUNGEN ERSTER BLICK K-12 Pädagogen sind herzlich eingeladen, unser Büro zu kontaktieren, um sich über die Erziehungserfahrungen auf dem Campus zu erkundigen. Wir freuen uns, Skifahrer-Jagd-Broschüren, selbst geführte Tour-Broschüren und andere Vorschläge auf dem Campus für Schulgruppen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Darüber hinaus bieten wir eine A-Z Resource List für Pädagogen mit weiteren Informationen zur Bildungsprogrammierung im UNC-Chapel Hill an. Wir ermutigen Mittelschullehrer, unser FIRST LOOK Programm zu erkunden. Während des gesamten Studien - und Frühjahrssemesters während des akademischen Jahres angeboten, ist FIRST LOOK entworfen, um Mittelschüler eine inspirierende Einführung in die Welt des College zu geben. Die Anmeldung zum Frühjahr 2017 ist nun geschlossen. Für Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an UNC Visitors Center unter (919) 962-1630.Global Datafeeds - der bevorzugte Echtzeit-Datenverkäufer für indische Aktienmärkte, freut sich, Kunden von Zerodha anzubieten - die wegweisende Brokerage-Firma, die ihren Kunden pro Handel feste Vermittler anbietet - ein einzigartiges limitiertes Angebot für seine Echtzeit-Datenprodukte - weiterlesen. Alle Datenprodukte enthalten FREIES Trading Plugin für AmiBroker amp ZerodhaTrader - wissen Sie mehr Geeignet für Benutzer von AmiBroker, MetaStock Professional, Advanced Get, Ensign, NinjaTrader 6.5 und NinjaTrader 7, ELWAVE. Bulls Eye Broker, TradePoint, Updata TraderPro - 5 simultane Symbole pro Segment zu einem Zeitpunkt (aufrüstbar) Geeignet für Benutzer von AmiBroker, MetaStock Professional, Advanced Get, Fähnrich, NinjaTrader 6.5 und NinjaTrader 7, ELWAVE. Bulls Eye Broker, TradePoint, Updata TraderPro - 100 gleichzeitige Symbole pro Segment zu einem Zeitpunkt (aufrüstbar) Echtzeitdaten des gesamten NSE CM, NSE Futures amp Optionen Segment (NSE FampO) und MCX, die immer mit dem Austausch übereinstimmen. (35000 Symbole zur Auswahl - 5 pro Segment zu einer Zeit). Datenaktualisierungen bei 1 Sekunde Frequenz für alle ausgewählten Symbole gleichzeitig ohne Verzögerung. Daten enthält OHLCV, Open Interest, Bid, Bidsize, Ask, Asksize, Tradesize, Change, Change - für alle Symbole. IOD-Daten von NSE und MCX in 1minute Format wird gesendet Nach Marktstunden per E-Mail (kostenlos für Jährliche Abonnenten sonst Rs.328- extra pro Segment pro Monat für andere Abonnement-Perioden). Zusätzliche kostenlose Lizenz zur Nutzung der gleichen Login-ID auf dem zweiten Computer nicht gleichzeitig (kostenlos für jährliche Abonnenten und Rs.227- Pro zusätzlicher Computer pro Monat für andere Abonnementperioden).Daten kompatibel mit AmiBroker, MetaStock Professional, Advanced Get, Ensign, NinjaTrader 6.5 und NinjaTrader 7, ELWAVE. Bulls Eye Broker, TradePoint, Updaten TraderPro. Data direkt von NSE Servern. Wir sind autorisierter Vertriebspartner der Nationalen Börse von Indien für die Daten. So handeln mit völligem Seelenfrieden. Niedrige Latenzzeit Echtzeit-Daten mit ultraschneller Lieferung. True-Tick-Daten mit Zeitstempel von 1 Sek. Es bedeutet, dass unsere Daten 5-mal schneller sind als die meisten Datenanbieter, deren Daten alle 5 Sekunden aktualisiert werden (aka Schnappschuss-Daten).Zero Verzögerung Echtzeit-Daten. Futures amp Optionen aller Monate, von allen Aktienindizes und für alle Streiks sind verfügbar. Es bedeutet, dass Benutzer Echtzeit-Charts aller Optionen (nicht nur NIFTY) sowie alle Monats-Futures sehen können. Jetzt müssen Sie nicht viele Handelsmöglichkeiten loslassen - nur weil Ihr Datenverkäufer denkt, dass es sich um illiquide Futures Options. View 5 Symbole pro Segment zu einer Zeit. Es bedeutet, dass Sie Echtzeit-Charts von 5 Symbolen pro abonnierten Segment gleichzeitig öffnen und anzeigen können. (Aufrüstbar) In der Tat sind 5 simultane Symbole viel besser als 1 Symbol zu einem Zeitpunkt (Begrenzung vieler Datenverkäufer). Lesen Sie diese FAQ für weitere Details. Warum nur 5 zahlen nur Rs.127- pro 10 zusätzliche Symbole pro Monat (45 paisa pro zusätzliches Symbol pro Tag). Steuern Sie Ihre Abonnementkosten, indem Sie genau das auswählen, was Sie benötigen. Die Gesamtzahl der Scripts überschreitet 35.000 - höchste von jedem Datenverkäufer. Als Beispiel, nur für Symbol NIFTY, die Gesamtzahl der Scripts Kreuz 1200 im FampO Segment. So lassen Sie sich nicht die Beschränkung Ihres Datenverkäufers zu Ihrer Handelsbeschränkung - Handel über begrenzte Satz von Symbolen, die sonst von anderen Datenverkäufern gegeben werden. Intraday Geschichte von 1month (1min Format) und EOD Geschichte seit Januar 2005 für alle Symbole. Need mehr Geschichte. Sie können intraday EOD-Daten in Ihre Echtzeit-Datenbank importieren, um größere historische Daten zu haben. Um zu wissen, wie dies geschehen ist, besuchen Sie Tipps und Tricks Abschnitt unserer Bedienungsanleitung und suchen Sie unter Tipps Abschnitt. Sie können historische Daten auf eigene Faust anlegen oder von uns erwerben. Unzureichende Redundanz auf allen Ebenen, um einen reibungslosen und ununterbrochenen Datenfluss während der Marktstunden zu gewährleisten. Be ein informierter Händler - haben komplette Informationen über die Trades. Die Daten enthalten Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Open Interest, Gebot, Gebotsgröße, Ask, Ask Size, Trade Size, Change and Change für alle Symbole. Ermöglichen Sie einfach Realtime Quotes Fenster in Ihrer Charting-Anwendung zu sehen, wie die Marktuhr Ihrer Broker-Anwendung. Data ist sehr genau - alle Scripts berichten genaue Werte für alle diese Felder. Kerzen, die sich einmal gebildet haben, ändern sich nach dem nächsten Tag nicht. Wenn Sie auf Strategien basieren, wissen wir, wie wichtig diese Funktion für Sie ist. In der Tat ist die Daten nutzlos, wenn es verschiedene Werte während der Echtzeit und am nächsten Tag (nach Hinterfüllung).Data kommt direkt in mehrere Charting-Anwendungen wie AmiBroker. MetaStock Professional. Fortgeschrittene Get. Fähnrich. NinjaTrader 6.5 und NinjaTrader 7 amp ELWAVE, Bulls Eye Broker, TradePoint, Updaten TraderPro. So erweitern Sie Ihren Handelshorizont, indem Sie dieselben Plattformen verwenden, die von professionellen Händlern weltweit verwendet werden. Siehe Kompatibilitätstabelle und MindestanforderungenDie Daten werden gleichzeitig für alle Symbole heruntergeladen. Durch die Multiplikation Ihrer Fähigkeiten, um mehr als ein Symbol gleichzeitig zu verfolgen (viele Datenanbieter versagen dies zu liefern), vervielfachen Sie auch Ihre Chancen, viele Live-Trading-Chancen während des Live-Marktes zu finden. Wir empfehlen eine Breitbandverbindung (128kbps empfohlen) für unsere Datafeed. Denn unsere Daten aktualisieren jede Sekunde und für alle Symbole gleichzeitig, wird eine riesige Menge an Daten heruntergeladen und steht Ihnen zur Analyse zur Verfügung. Zum Beispiel können unsere Benutzer, die Daten von 5 Symbolen gleichzeitig herunterladen, ca. 560300 Nachrichten pro Minute - ab 12 Nachrichten von anderen Anbietern (5 Sekunden Daten für ein einziges Symbol), was 25 mal mehr Daten bedeutet. Gerade aus diesem Grund sollten Sie keine Einwahlverbindungen für unsere Daten verwenden. Verstehen, dass in der Lage sein, DFÜ-Verbindung für die Datafeed verwenden ist eigentlich ein Nachteil. Alle Daten bleiben in Charting-Anwendungen - nur inkrementelle Daten wird von Servern auf login. No Notwendigkeit, um Internet-Login zu unseren Servern während der Off-Market-Stunden zu verbinden Sehen Sie die bereits heruntergeladenen Daten. Daten ohne Lücken - unabhängig davon, wann Sie Ihren PC starten, werden die Daten immer kontinuierlich ohne Lücken (Backfill ist völlig automatisch).Intraday Daten des gesamten FampO Segmentes von NSE und MCX (1minute Format) ist Gesendet an alle 12 Monate Abonnenten kostenlos nach Marktstunden per E-Mail - im csv-Format. Also zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt, wenn Sie Daten verlieren oder aus irgendeinem anderen Grund, Daten des abonnierten Segments in 1min Format bleibt bei Ihnen für immer. Abonnenten von kürzerer Dauer können diese Möglichkeit in Anspruch nehmen, indem sie Rs.328- pro Segment pro Monat bezahlt. Single-Click-Support direkt von der Anwendung - klicken Sie einfach auf Kontakt Live Support Link in der Anwendung DashBoard. All Abonnenten von 12 Monaten erhalten kostenlose Lizenz zur Nutzung der Gleiche Login-ID auf dem 2. Computer. Jeder Computer zu einem Zeitpunkt (aber nicht beide) kann zum Herunterladen von Echtzeitdaten verwendet werden. Abonnenten anderer Pläne können diese Möglichkeit nutzen, indem sie Rs.227- pro zusätzlicher Computer pro Monat bezahlen. Zeit - und Verkaufsfenster - Wir sind der einzige indische Datenverkäufer, der diese Premium-Funktion mit unseren Echtzeitdaten zur Verfügung stellt. Check, Net Banking, Bareinzahlung auf unser HDFC Bankkonto. Konto. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um unsere Bankverbindung zu sehen. Senden Sie Ihre Zahlungsdetails nach Zahlungseingang an unsere Bank, damit wir Ihr Konto aktivieren können. Online-Zahlung mit Debit-Kreditkarte der meisten indischen Banken (CCAvenue). Online kaufen . Online-Zahlung mit internationaler Kreditkarte (PayPal) - für Kunden, die aus Indien wohnen. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um online zu kaufen und wählen Sie PayPal als Zahlungs-Gateway bei der Zahlung. Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte erwähnen Sie Ihre Zerodha ID und E-Mail ID wie bei Zerodha verwendet, damit wir Sie identifizieren können. Benutzerhandbuch Hilfe Videos FAQs Bitte klicken Sie hier, um das Support Center zu besuchen. Realtime amp EOD Daten des gesamten NSE CM, NSE Futures amp Optionen Segment (NSE FampO) und MCX, die immer mit dem Austausch übereinstimmen. (35000 Symbole zur Auswahl - 100 pro Segment zu einem Zeitpunkt). Datenaktualisierungen bei 1 Sekunde Frequenz für alle ausgewählten Symbole gleichzeitig ohne Verzögerung. Daten enthält OHLCV, Open Interest (als Indikator), Bid, Bidsize, Ask, Asksize, Tradesize, Change, Change - für alle symbols. IEOD Daten von NSE und MCX In 1minute Format wird nach Marktstunden per E-Mail verschickt. (Frei für Jährliche Abonnenten sonst Rs.328- extra pro Segment pro Monat für andere Abonnement-Perioden). Zusätzliche kostenlose Lizenz zur Nutzung der gleichen Login-ID auf dem zweiten Computer nicht gleichzeitig (kostenlos für jährliche Abonnenten und Rs.227- pro zusätzlichen Computer pro Monat Für andere Abonnementperioden) Daten kompatibel mit AmiBroker (alle Editionen inklusive Testversion).Daten direkt von NSE Servern. Wir sind autorisierter Vertriebspartner der Nationalen Börse von Indien für die Daten. So handeln mit völligem Seelenfrieden. Niedrige Latenzzeit Echtzeit-Daten mit ultraschneller Lieferung. True-Tick-Daten mit Zeitstempel von 1 Sek. Es bedeutet, dass unsere Daten 5-mal schneller sind als die meisten Datenanbieter, deren Daten alle 5 Sekunden aktualisiert werden (aka Schnappschuss-Daten).Zero Delay-Echtzeit-Daten. Vergleichen Sie es mit Ihrem Broker-Terminal jederzeit. Futures amp Optionen aller Monate, aller Aktienindizes und für alle Streiks sind verfügbar. Es bedeutet, dass Benutzer Echtzeit-Charts aller Optionen (nicht nur NIFTY) sowie alle Monats-Futures sehen können. Jetzt müssen Sie nicht viele Handelsmöglichkeiten loslassen - nur weil Ihr Datenverkäufer denkt, sie sind illiquide Futures Options. View 100 Symbol pro Segment zu einer Zeit. Es bedeutet, dass Sie Open-View - (oder Scan Explore) Echtzeit-Charts von 100 Symbolen pro abonnierten Segment gleichzeitig öffnen können. Dies ist 100 mal mehr Daten als 1 Symbol zu einer Zeit (Begrenzung vieler Datenverkäufer). UpgradeablePay nur Rs.303- pro 50 zusätzliche Symbole pro Monat (17 paisa pro zusätzliches Symbol pro Tag). Steuern Sie Ihre Abonnementkosten, indem Sie genau das auswählen, was Sie benötigen. Die Gesamtzahl der Scripts überschreitet 35.000 - höchste von jedem Datenverkäufer. Als Beispiel, nur für Symbol NIFTY, die Gesamtzahl der Scripts Kreuz 1200 im FampO Segment. So lassen Sie sich nicht die Einschränkung Ihres Datenverkäufers zu Ihrer Handelsbeschränkung - Handel über begrenzte Satz von Symbolen, die sonst von anderen Datenverkäufern gegeben werden. Intraday Geschichte von 1month (1min Format) und EOD Geschichte seit Januar 2005 ist für alle Symbole verfügbar. Need mehr Geschichte. Sie können intraday EOD-Daten in Ihre Echtzeit-Datenbank importieren, um größere historische Daten zu haben. Um zu wissen, wie dies geschehen ist, besuchen Sie Tipps und Tricks Abschnitt unserer Bedienungsanleitung und suchen Sie unter Tipps Abschnitt. Sie können historische Daten auf eigene Faust arrangieren oder von uns kaufen. Sie können suchen und fügen Sie Scripts direkt von unseren Servern in AmiBroker. Wir sind der einzige Datenverkäufer in Indien (und wahrscheinlich in der Welt), um diese Möglichkeit für AmiBroker zur Verfügung zu stellen. Unzureichende Redundanz auf allen Ebenen, um einen reibungslosen und ununterbrochenen Datenfluss während der Marktstunden zu gewährleisten. Be ein informierter Händler - haben vollständige Informationen über die Trades . Die Daten enthalten Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Open Interest, Gebot, Gebotsgröße, Ask, Ask Size, Trade Size, Change and Change für alle Symbole. Ermöglichen Sie einfach Realtime Quotes Fenster in AmiBroker zu sehen, wie die Marktuhr Ihrer Broker-Anwendung. Daten ist sehr genau - alle Scripts berichten genaue Werte für alle diese Felder. Kerzen, die sich einmal gebildet haben, ändern sich nach dem nächsten Tag nicht. Wenn Sie auf Strategien basieren, wissen wir, wie wichtig diese Funktion für Sie ist. Tatsächlich sind die Daten nutzlos, wenn sie während der Echtzeit und am nächsten Tag (nach der Hinterfüllung) unterschiedliche Werte zeigen. Data kommt direkt in AmiBroker - die renommierte und weithin anerkannte fortgeschrittene technische Analyse und Charting Software. Data wird gleichzeitig für alle Symbole heruntergeladen Du kannst in AmiBroker in Echtzeit scannen oder erkunden. Durch die Multiplikation Ihrer Fähigkeiten, um mehr als ein Symbol gleichzeitig zu verfolgen (viele Datenanbieter versagen dies zu liefern), vervielfachen Sie auch Ihre Chancen, viele Live-Trading-Chancen während des Live-Marktes zu finden. Wir empfehlen eine Breitbandverbindung (128kbps empfohlen) für unsere Datafeed. Denn unsere Daten aktualisieren jede Sekunde und für alle Symbole gleichzeitig, wird eine riesige Menge an Daten heruntergeladen und steht Ihnen zur Analyse zur Verfügung. Zum Beispiel können unsere Benutzer, die Daten von 100 Symbolen gleichzeitig herunterladen, ca. 100606000 Nachrichten pro Minute - gegen 12 Nachrichten von anderen Anbietern (5 Sekunden Daten für ein einziges Symbol), was 500 mal mehr Daten bedeutet. Gerade aus diesem Grund sollten Sie keine Einwahlverbindungen für unsere Daten verwenden. Verstehen Sie, dass in der Lage sein, DFÜ-Verbindung für Echtzeit-Datafeed verwenden ist eigentlich ein Nachteil. Alle Daten bleiben in AmiBroker - nur inkrementelle Daten wird von Servern auf login. No Notwendigkeit, eine Internet-Login zu unseren Servern während Off-Market-Stunden für Scanning zu verbinden Exploration. Data ohne Lücken - unabhängig davon, wann Sie Ihren PC starten, werden die Daten immer ohne Lücken kontinuierlich sein (Backfill ist ganz automatisch).Intraday Daten des gesamten FampO-Segments von NSE und MCX (1 Minute Format) werden an alle 12 gesendet Monate Abonnenten kostenfrei nach Marktstunden per E-Mail - im CSV-Format. Also zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt, wenn Sie Daten verlieren oder aus irgendeinem anderen Grund, Daten des abonnierten Segments in 1min Format bleibt bei Ihnen für immer. Abonnenten von kürzerer Dauer können diese Möglichkeit in Anspruch nehmen, indem sie Rs.328- pro Segment pro Monat bezahlen. Sie können historische Daten importieren, die von uns in Echtzeit-Datenbank zur Verfügung gestellt werden - so dass größere historische Daten verfügbar sind als 1 Monate Geschichte von unseren Servern zur Verfügung gestellt. Single-Click-Support direkt von Anwendung - klicken Sie einfach auf Kontakt Live Support Link in der Anwendung DashBoard. All jährlichen Abonnenten erhalten kostenlose Lizenz, um die gleiche Login-ID auf 2. Computer verwenden. Jeder Computer zu einem Zeitpunkt (aber nicht beide) kann zum Herunterladen von Echtzeitdaten verwendet werden. Abonnenten anderer Pläne können diese Möglichkeit in Anspruch nehmen, indem sie Rs.227- pro zusätzlicher Computer pro Monat bezahlen. Das ist nicht alles. Alle Abonnenten erhalten All-in-OneTradePro (TM). Ein automatisches algorithmisches Signalgeneratorsystem - kostenfrei. Mehr wissen. Check, Net Banking, Bareinzahlung auf unser HDFC Bankkonto. Konto. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um unsere Bankverbindung zu sehen. Senden Sie Ihre Zahlungsdetails nach Zahlungseingang an unsere Bank, damit wir Ihr Konto aktivieren können. Online-Zahlung mit Debit-Kreditkarte der meisten indischen Banken (CCAvenue). Online kaufen . Online-Zahlung mit internationaler Kreditkarte (PayPal) - für Kunden, die aus Indien wohnen. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um online zu kaufen und wählen Sie PayPal als Zahlungs-Gateway bei der Zahlung. Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte erwähnen Sie Ihre Zerodha ID und E-Mail ID wie bei Zerodha verwendet, damit wir Sie identifizieren können. Echtzeit-Daten der gesamten NSE CM, NSE Futures amp Optionen Segment (NSE FampO) und MCX, die immer mit dem Austausch übereinstimmen. (35000 Symbole zur Auswahl - 100 pro Segment zu einem Zeitpunkt). Datenaktualisierungen bei 1 Sekunde Frequenz für alle ausgewählten Symbole gleichzeitig ohne Verzögerung. Daten enthält OHLCV, Open Interest, Bid, Bidsize, Ask, Asksize, Tradesize, Change, Change - für alle Symbole. IOD-Daten von ganzen NSE und MCX in 1minute Format ist Nach Marktstunden per E-Mail verschickt (Frei für Jährliche Abonnenten sonst Rs.328- extra pro Segment pro Monat für andere Abonnement-Perioden). Zusätzliche kostenlose Lizenz zur Nutzung der gleichen Login-ID auf dem zweiten Computer nicht gleichzeitig (kostenlos für jährliche Abonnenten und Rs.227- pro zusätzlichen Computer pro Monat Für andere Abonnementperioden).Daten kompatibel mit AmiBroker, MetaStock Professional, Advanced Get, Fähnrich, NinjaTrader 6.5 und NinjaTrader 7, ELWAVE. Bulls Eye Broker, TradePoint, Updaten TraderPro. Time amp Sales DataData direkt von NSE Servern. Wir sind autorisierter Vertriebspartner der Nationalen Börse von Indien für die Daten. So handeln mit völligem Seelenfrieden. Niedrige Latenzzeit Echtzeit-Daten mit ultraschneller Lieferung. True-Tick-Daten mit Zeitstempel von 1 Sek. Es bedeutet, dass unsere Daten 5-mal schneller sind als die meisten Datenanbieter, deren Daten alle 5 Sekunden aktualisiert werden (aka Schnappschuss-Daten).Zero Verzögerung Echtzeit-Daten. Futures amp Optionen aller Monate, von allen Aktienindizes und für alle Streiks sind verfügbar. Es bedeutet, dass Benutzer Echtzeit-Charts aller Optionen (nicht nur NIFTY) sowie alle Monats-Futures sehen können. Jetzt müssen Sie nicht viele Handelsmöglichkeiten loslassen - nur weil Ihr Datenverkäufer denkt, dass sie illiquide Futures Options sind. View 100 Symbole pro Segment auf einmal. Es bedeutet, dass Sie Echtzeit-Charts von 100 Symbolen pro abonnierten Segment gleichzeitig öffnen und anzeigen können. In der Tat sind 100 simultane Symbole viel besser als 1 Symbol zu einer Zeit (Begrenzung vieler Datenverkäufer). UpgradeablePay nur Rs.303- pro 50 zusätzliche Symbole pro Monat (17 paisa pro zusätzliches Symbol pro Tag). Steuern Sie Ihre Abonnementkosten, indem Sie genau das auswählen, was Sie benötigen. Die Gesamtzahl der Scripts überschreitet 35.000 - höchste von jedem Datenverkäufer. Als Beispiel, nur für Symbol NIFTY, die Gesamtzahl der Scripts Kreuz 1200 im FampO Segment. So lassen Sie sich nicht die Beschränkung Ihres Datenverkäufers zu Ihrer Handelsbeschränkung - Handel über begrenzte Satz von Symbolen, die sonst von anderen Datenverkäufern gegeben werden. Intraday Geschichte von 1month (1min Format) und EOD Geschichte seit Januar 2005 für alle Symbole. Need mehr Geschichte. Sie können intraday EOD-Daten in Ihre Echtzeit-Datenbank importieren, um größere historische Daten zu haben. Um zu wissen, wie dies geschehen ist, besuchen Sie Tipps und Tricks Abschnitt unserer Bedienungsanleitung und suchen Sie unter Tipps Abschnitt. Sie können historische Daten auf eigene Faust anlegen oder von uns erwerben. Unzureichende Redundanz auf allen Ebenen, um einen reibungslosen und ununterbrochenen Datenfluss während der Marktstunden zu gewährleisten. Be ein informierter Händler - haben komplette Informationen über die Trades. Die Daten enthalten Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Open Interest, Gebot, Gebotsgröße, Ask, Ask Size, Trade Size, Change and Change für alle Symbole. Ermöglichen Sie einfach Realtime Quotes Fenster in Ihrer Charting-Anwendung zu sehen, wie die Marktuhr Ihrer Broker-Anwendung. Data ist sehr genau - alle Scripts berichten genaue Werte für alle diese Felder. Kerzen, die sich einmal gebildet haben, ändern sich nach dem nächsten Tag nicht. Wenn Sie auf Strategien basieren, wissen wir, wie wichtig diese Funktion für Sie ist. In der Tat ist die Daten nutzlos, wenn es verschiedene Werte während der Echtzeit und am nächsten Tag (nach Hinterfüllung).Data kommt direkt in mehrere Charting-Anwendungen wie AmiBroker. MetaStock Professional. Fortgeschrittene Get. Fähnrich. NinjaTrader 6.5 und NinjaTrader 7 amp ELWAVE, Bulls Eye Broker, TradePoint, Updaten TraderPro. So erweitern Sie Ihren Handelshorizont, indem Sie dieselben Plattformen verwenden, die von professionellen Händlern weltweit verwendet werden. Siehe Kompatibilitätstabelle und MindestanforderungenDie Daten werden gleichzeitig für alle Symbole heruntergeladen. Durch die Multiplikation Ihrer Fähigkeiten, um mehr als ein Symbol gleichzeitig zu verfolgen (viele Datenanbieter versagen dies zu liefern), vervielfachen Sie auch Ihre Chancen, viele Live-Trading-Chancen während des Live-Marktes zu finden. Wir empfehlen eine Breitbandverbindung (128kbps empfohlen) für unsere Datafeed. Denn unsere Daten aktualisieren jede Sekunde und für alle Symbole gleichzeitig, wird eine riesige Menge an Daten heruntergeladen und steht Ihnen zur Analyse zur Verfügung. Zum Beispiel können unsere Benutzer, die Daten von 100 Symbolen gleichzeitig herunterladen, ca. 100606000 Nachrichten pro Minute - gegen 12 Nachrichten von anderen Anbietern (5 Sekunden Daten für ein einziges Symbol), was 500 mal mehr Daten bedeutet. Gerade aus diesem Grund sollten Sie keine Einwahlverbindungen für unsere Daten verwenden. Verstehen, dass in der Lage sein, DFÜ-Verbindung für die Datafeed verwenden ist eigentlich ein Nachteil. Alle Daten bleiben in Charting-Anwendungen - nur inkrementelle Daten wird von Servern auf login. No Notwendigkeit, um Internet-Login zu unseren Servern während der Off-Market-Stunden zu verbinden Sehen Sie die bereits heruntergeladenen Daten. Daten ohne Lücken - unabhängig davon, wann Sie Ihren PC starten, werden die Daten immer kontinuierlich ohne Lücken (Backfill ist völlig automatisch).Intraday Daten des gesamten FampO Segmentes von NSE und MCX (1minute Format) ist Gesendet an alle 12 Monate Abonnenten kostenlos nach Marktstunden per E-Mail - im csv-Format. Also zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt, wenn Sie Daten verlieren oder aus irgendeinem anderen Grund, Daten des abonnierten Segmentes in 1min Format bleibt bei Ihnen für immer. Abonnenten von kürzerer Dauer können diese Möglichkeit in Anspruch nehmen, indem sie Rs.328- pro Segment pro Monat bezahlt. Single-Click-Support direkt von der Anwendung - klicken Sie einfach auf Kontakt Live Support Link in der Anwendung DashBoard. All jährliche Abonnenten erhalten kostenlose Lizenz, um die gleiche Anmeldung zu verwenden ID auf dem 2. Computer. Jeder Computer zu einem Zeitpunkt (aber nicht beide) kann zum Herunterladen von Echtzeitdaten verwendet werden. Abonnenten von anderen Plänen können diese Einrichtung in Anspruch nehmen, indem sie Rs.227- pro zusätzlicher Computer pro Monat bezahlen. Zeit - und Verkaufsfenster - Wir sind der einzige indische Datenverkäufer, der diese Prämienfunktion zusammen mit unseren Echtzeitdaten zur Verfügung stellt. Cheque, net Banking, Bareinzahlung an Unser HDFC Bankkonto. Konto. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um unsere Bankverbindung zu sehen. Senden Sie Ihre Zahlungsdetails nach Zahlungseingang an unsere Bank, damit wir Ihr Konto aktivieren können. Online-Zahlung mit Debit-Kreditkarte der meisten indischen Banken (CCAvenue). Online kaufen . Online-Zahlung mit internationaler Kreditkarte (PayPal) - für Kunden, die aus Indien wohnen. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um online zu kaufen und wählen Sie PayPal als Zahlungs-Gateway bei der Zahlung. Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte erwähnen Sie Ihre Zerodha ID und E-Mail ID wie bei Zerodha verwendet, damit wir Sie identifizieren können. Es ist eine Schnittstelle zwischen AmiBroker und ZerodhaTrader - von uns entwickelt. Dieses Plugin automatisiert die meisten Aufgaben, die mit dem Platzieren von BuySell-Aufträgen verbunden sind. Aktuelle Themen Derzeit werden Händler nicht verbundene Setups für Technical Analysis und Order Management. Immer wenn das Trading-Signal in AmiBroker auslöst, stellen die Händler in ihrem ZerodhaTrader manuell Platz. Für häufige Day-Trader ist dies ein fehleranfälliger, zeitaufwändiger Verstärker, der unnötige Duplizierung der Bemühungen hat. Wie sie gelöst sind. Global Datafeeds adressiert diesen Schmerzpunkt, indem er den AmiBroker und den ZerodhaTrader verbindet. Immer wenn das Signal in AmiBroker auslöst, spiegelt es sofort in ZerodhaTrader die Abholung der Details des beabsichtigten Handels vom AmiBroker automatisch ab. Je nach Status des Anwenders wird die Bestellung nach den folgenden 2 Szenarien an die Börse (NSE) gelegt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Händler ist: Der Auftrag, der sich in der Charting-Plattform widerspiegelt, wird direkt an der Börse platziert (Strategie benötigt vorherige Genehmigung vom Austausch (NSE)). Wenn der Benutzer ein Einzelhändler ist: Der Auftrag, der sich in der Charting-Plattform widerspiegelt, wird in NEST OMS reflektieren. Der Nutzer muss die Bestellung überprüfen und annehmen, damit er an der Börse platziert wird (für die Strategie aus der Börse (NSE) ist keine vorherige Genehmigung erforderlich. Nach SEBI Exchange RegulationsSimple zu verwenden Schnittstelle mit Drag-N-Drop-Operationen. Wird mit einer Beispielstrategie zum Testen geladen (siehe Arbeit - Download Installationsverstärker Setup Video) Zero Programming Wissens ist erforderlich, um dieses Trading Plugin zu nutzen. Unterstützt Multi-Symbol-, Multi-Strategie-, Multi-Chart-Setups (siehe Arbeit - Download Video) Automatische Aufnahme der vordefinierten Auftragsparameter (Austausch, Client-ID, Produkttyp, Auftragsart, Bestellmenge, offenbarte Menge, Symbolname ) Mit dynamischen Parametern (Auftragspreis) aus dem Chart und direkt an die Handelsplattform - sobald das Signal in AmiBroker ausgelöst wird. Fazilität, um Schlupf in Diagramm zu spezifizieren, um den Grenzwert nach Ihrer Wahl einzustellen. Kann auf das Live-Trading-System angewendet werden, ohne irgendeinen Code zu schreiben - (siehe Arbeit - Download Video) Unterstützung für Line Pair Trading (LPT), um Positionen auf der Grundlage von Positionen von 2 benutzerdefinierten Linien (Buy Amp-Verkauf) in Chart zu entwechseln . Wie es funktioniert (sehen Sie es funktionieren - Download Video) Benutzer können LPT amp Strategie-basierte Handel ausschließlich verwenden oder kombinieren sie in irgendeiner Weise. Beispielsweise. Eintragung durch LPT und Beenden durch LPT - nützlich für Benutzer, die kurzfristige Trends oder Teilzeithändler oder Händler ohne Programmierkenntnisse handeln. Einstieg durch Strategie und Ausstieg durch LPT - nützlich für Gewinn-Schutz-Stoploss-Aufträge Einstieg durch LPT und Ausstieg durch Strategie - nützlich, wenn Sie sich spät anmelden oder beschließen, ein Signal nach einiger Zeit zu tauschen, aber einmal eingegeben, wollen nur nach der Strategie beenden. Einstieg durch Strategie und Ausstieg durch Strategie - nützlich für Händler, die auf Readymade-Trading-Strategien von Strategie-Anbietern oder Händlern handeln, die ihre Einreise-Regeln geschrieben haben und lieber die Regeln befolgen, unterstützt manuell Trading (MT), um Positionen zu entwechseln, indem sie auf BuySell-Buttons klicken Diagramm. Benutzer können MT eigenständig nutzen oder mit LPT-amp-Strategie-basierten Handel kombinieren. Unterstützt BuySell sowie ShortCover-Aufträge (doppelte Menge automatisch für Stop-and-Reverse-Art von Aufträgen). Generiert Trailing Stoploss für bestehende Benutzerstrategien - auch wenn es im Originalcode nicht existiert. Erzeugt zielbasierte Exits für bestehende Benutzerstrategien - auch wenn es im ursprünglichen Code nicht existiert. Facility zu schließen Positionen auf Diagramm vor Markt schließen jeden Tag - nützlich für strenge Intraday-Händler. Eingebaute Anlage, um detaillierte Gewinn-Verlust-Bericht (täglich, wöchentlich, monatlich, jährliche Berichte) und die Möglichkeit, um Bericht zwischen zwei benutzerdefinierten Daten zu sehen. Sonstige Komfortmerkmale. Einstiegslinie, dynamisch aktualisieren CMP-Linie (wie in MetaTrader), Gewinn-Status der aktuellen Handel auf letzte (Echtzeit) Kerze. Es ist keine spezielle Hardware-Setup erforderlich, um Algo-Trading laufen kann auf normalem Computer laufen 2 Minuten Setup - Ein einfaches Installationsprogramm, das alle notwendigen Komponenten in einem go installiert Einfache Verwendung von Schnittstelle mit Drag-n-Drop-Operationen Beispiel-Strategie für das Testen von Live-Chat, Remote Desktop - und E-Mail-Support Last but not least Trading Bridge wird kostenlos für alle unsere Daten-Abonnenten angeboten. Benutzer, die es wünschen, diese Einrichtung zu benötigen, AmiBroker Dieses Trading Plugin ist für AmiBroker Standard, Professional oder Ultimate Pack Pro Editions geschrieben und kann auch in der kostenlosen Testversion getestet werden. Wir haben es auf dem letzten offiziellen Release 5.50 amp 5.60 getestet und funktioniert ganz gut in AmiBroker unter Windows XP amp Windows 7 (32 Bit 64 Bit). Wir haben das Trading Plugin in AmiBroker Version 5.0, 5.2, 5.3 Amp 5.4 (stabile Releases - nicht RC oder Beta Versionen) kurz getestet und es scheint gut zu funktionieren - mit Ausnahme eines Problems. Das Popup-Fenster, das die Bestelldetails anzeigt, sobald die Bestellung ausgelöst wird, ist klein und enthält nicht alle Bestellangaben. Dies ist so, weil diese Versionen von AmiBroker hatte kleine Größe Popup-Fenster von fester Größe und keine Möglichkeit, ein benutzerdefiniertes (größer) Fenster zu definieren. Allerdings ist dies nur ein Display-Problem und es sendet richtige Reihenfolge mit allen relevanten Details zu ZerodhaTrader. Trading Plugin (kostenfrei von uns für alle unsere Datenplattformen zur Verfügung gestellt und ist in der Standardinstallation als Einführungsangebot enthalten) Trading Account bei Zerodha. (NontPlus Account von Omnesys Technologies (Für weitere Informationen amp Abonnement, besuchen Sie bitte Omnesys NESTPlus Website) Wir bieten kostenlose Testversion von unserer Website: AmiBroker (30 Tage), Echtzeit Daten (3 Werktage) und Trading Plugin (3 Werktage) Um die Produkte über die Testphase hinaus zu nutzen, musst du sie abonnieren. Bevor Sie eine Probe anfordern, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie bereits aktives Trading Account NestPlus Account bei Zerodha haben. Registrieren Sie sich auf unserer Website für kostenlose Testversion. Um zu wissen, wie man sich für den Versuch registriert und den entsprechenden Installateur herunterlädt, bitte hier klicken. Laden und starten Sie das Installationsprogramm. Single installer contains and installs all the 3 products. AmiBroker installation is skipped if AmiBroker is already present on your computer. Existing users of our data platforms will need to upgrade to the latest version to use Trading Plugin. For instant support during working hours, please contact us on Live Chat. Resources - Strategy Writing in AmiBroker Are you looking for AmiBroker with trading system. that is, AmiBroker with automatic Buy-Sell arrows AmiBroker does not have any trading strategy built in the basic program i. e. AmiBroker is not shipped pre-configured with any trading system showing automatic Buy-Sell arrows. However, AmiBroker can show Buy-Sell arrows based on any criteria during live market hours. You may make use of following to have Buy-Sell Arrows in your copy of AmiBroker. Make use of AmiBroker AFL Library Make use of various online Forums amp Code LibrariesMake use of AFL Code WizardMake use of ACE Nifty Futures Trading SystemMake use of our AFL Writing ServicesAmiBroker User Guide Tutorials for basics of AmiBroker Formula Language (AFL), Strategy Writing, Backtesting, Scanning, ExplorationTo trade stock market instruments by using Trading Plugins IS VERY RISKY. Please read following carefully BEFORE TRYING USING this facility This trading interface provides bridge between signals triggered in AmiBroker BY YOUR TRADING STRATEGIES and NestTrader (Omnesys Technologies Trading Platform) given to you by your broker. You should check working of your strategy code thoroughly (including working of this trading interface) to make sure it works as per your expectations before actually using it with real money. Trading Interface is intended to make trading easier and faster but IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE RUN WITHOUT SUPERVISION. DO NOT LEAVE TRADING UNATTENDED as certain circumstances may occur like internet failure, software crash, etc. which may lead to serious financial losses. While we have rigorously tested this trading interface, ERROR-FREE WORKING IS NOT AT ALL GUARANTEED. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, GLOBAL FINANCIAL DATAFEEDS LLP AND ANY OF ITS ASSOCIATES, EMPLOYEES, OWNERS, ETC. WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS DUE TO INCORRECT, FAULTY OR NO SIGNALS GENERATED THROUGH ITS PRODUCTS. Version 1.8 - 26.12.2012 1. Added support for MCX Version 1.7 - 06.12.2012 1. Established compatibility with latest AmiBroker version 5.60.3 Version 1.6 - 20.11.2012 1. Added Symbol Mapping Dictionary facility. Version 1.5 - 15.10.2012 1. Added Target Based Exits feature. Version 1.4 - 09.10.2012 1. Added Manual Trading (MT) to enterexit positions by clicking on BuySell buttons in chart. 2. Users can use MT stand-alone or it can be combined with LPT amp strategy-based trading. 3. Added Best Bid and Best Ask as the choice for limit orders. 4. Added choice to enter only one-side quantity for first trade after starting AmiBroker. 5. Added Trailing Stoploss for existing user strategies. version 1.2 - 04.09.2012 Added support for Short-Cover Signals in addition to existing Buy-Sell signals. version 1.1 - 30.08.2012 Added multi-symbol, multi-chart, multi-strategy functionality. version 1.0 - 22.08.2012 Launched Trading Plugin with single symbol, single chart, single strategy facility. Swift MT 760 and MT 799, the Real Story If you have been in the private placement business for a while, you probably know that there are plenty of acronyms associated with trade programs. As someone new to the business, you may hear phrases like: MTN , BG , SBLC, PPP , DTC , CIS , POF , and say, what the heck are they talking about Well, though it is good to know private placement lingo. cool sounding terms do NOT close deals. If you want to protect yourself and succeed in private placement, you MUST understand the 2 most important acronyms of all . the MT 760 and MT 799 . Whether you are a client, broker, consultant, or even just a beginner, the MT 760 and MT 799 are two terms that are critical to learn inside and out. Many times, if you speak to brokers who claim to have trade programs, you can tell if their investment is real by asking just one question, Explain the MT 760 and MT 799. what are the risks and fees If you get an answer that sounds similar to the explanation we give below, then you may want to dig a little deeper If you don8217t, recognize that these people are less educated than they claim, and may not be the best option. First things first, lets explain the definition and application of these terms in the modern day private placement business. The MT 799 is a swift message used between banks to communicate in written form, and is usually referred to as pre-advice . Beispielsweise. Bank A may send a MT 799 to Bank B stating: We confirm XXX amount on deposit and are ready to block this amount via MT 760 in favor of account XXX at your bank. Please confirm readiness and receipt. Typically, the MT 799 will be needed directly before the MT 760 is issued, and there may be small fees. Despite what most brokers may claim, the MT 799 is NOT used as collateral, and can NOT be used to enter a private placement program. Now that we know about the MT 799. lets take a look at it8217s cousin, the Swift MT 760 . The MT 760 is a swift message used to block funds in favor of someone other than the owner, collateralizing the asset via this message, while allowing for loans and liens against it . Beispielsweise. most private placements require the investor to send a MT 760 to the traders account, allowing the trader to use this swift as a collateral guarantee for their bank. Again, despite what many brokers may claim, this is NOT everything you need to know about the MT 760. Now that you do know the definitions and applications, lets cover the key points no one ever brings up about the MT 760: the FEES, and the RISKS8230 First and foremost, the fees for blocking a large amount of funds via MT 760 can be more than you would expect . In most cases, your bank will charge 1-2 of the value being blocked for this service. For example, on a 100M bank instrument this can be 1-2M that the owner must come out of their pocket with, unless they have a special relationship with their bank. You may say to yourself, Wow, that is a lot to spend on fees for something I8217m not sure will work Well, even more importantly, lets take a look at the risks if you did move forward. If you complete the MT 760 and pay the fees, you should observe everything very closely from that point on. Once the MT 760 has hit the account of the trader, the line of credit should become available within 72 hours. At that time, the trader should be able to make their first bank instrument purchase, and give you a DEFINITE TIMELINE for your first profit disbursement. You may say, Why do I need to watch this process so closely Well, here is the part that most brokers dont tell their clients When blocked in someone8217s favor, the MT 760 collateralizes assets in the form of a swift guarantee, and by doing so, allows the beneficiary to draw credit against it . This means, if the loan to the trader was defaulted on, the bank would seize the collateral and you would be out of your money Though this scenario is possible, I would consider it rare for two reasons In today8217s world, no bank will loan Millions of dollars to someone they havent vetted, no matter what collateral is on hand. Second, the MT 760 is quite rare, and this usually draws attention to the beneficiary of the swift. In summary, the MT 760 can be safe, or it can blow up in your face. As always, the key is having a real trader and most importantly, getting your payments as scheduled. If the trader makes a statement about yields and a time line, they must ALWAYS keep in line with their promises. Over the THOUSANDS of transactions we have been involved in, the only ones that have closed have been smooth from the start, with NO hiccups. Remember, both RISK and FEES are a part of blocking funds via MT 760. In addition, by understanding the MT 760 and MT 799. you can clear out the TIME WASTING brokers from your network, and work MORE EFFICIENTLY towards your goals. Lets face it, very few people know as much as you do after reading this article. Use it to your advantage to qualify the private placement investments you come across, and it will make life a lot easier. Ask yourself, if someone cant explain the MT 760 and MT 799 in thorough detail, do you think they have ever closed a deal Then ask yourself, do I want to risk Millions with someone that has NEVER been successful Its not hard to see, education is the key InsideTrade LLC Staff Phone: (949) 444-2111 - 25 June 2010 at 3:51 pm I have many clients who would be ready to invest upto US 5million. But I have some queries, If possible please let me know some good company with good track records of PPP with good returns who can answer the following: 1. I would have to make sure that their money is safe and most importantly, what would be my earnings in addition to their earnings. 2. One of my clients8217 is ready to give me money right now but please tell me what surity you can give of the maximum rate of return, and also what would be the maximum guaranteed rate of the return in terms of percentage. 3. I need exact formats of whatever documents you want, to be signed and submitted with your company and one your executives have to collect all the required documents duly signed from Punjab, India only. 4. I dont need to know about where and how your system will work but definitely I would be interested and rather I am sure that those should not be used against any government policies and laws, of any country in the world and your company have to give me this undertaking in writing. 5. Tell me the returns after deducting all the conversion charges and all the deductions or charges(if any) you will charge. 6. And also most importantly, tell me by what boundationsduties and risks, I or the investor would be bound implicitly or explicitly by entering into contract with your company. 7. A written undertaking duly signed, that in case of any kind of dispute, laws of land,(i. e.Punjab, India) would be applicable. Please let me know all these as soon as possible with maximum returns and my commission. - 29 June 2010 at 3:52 am I presume all dialogues in this blog referring to financial jobs but believe many scams have used the relevant terms and procedures in physically trading commodities. Just wish someone to comment on the use of the terms and procedures such as: RWA, ICPO, FCO, Soft Probe, POF. POP (are banks in position to quotprove the existence of products I never heard of such functions), etc. I wish somebody can point out these are scams terms and procedures and never work. - 2 August 2010 at 1:57 pm I am in a position to purchase Au gold products from a listed miner we have had contact with for some time We have recently been approached by a supplier of larger amounts that are happy to deal with us and they have asked for MT 799 we are in a position to give him confirmation through our bank in the value of 50 million by way of MT 799 can he use this information regarding our bank details to scam our account once we have issued MT 799 or is it an accepted form of proof of funds please advise - 10 August 2010 at 1:31 pm Thomas I have read your blog We would be interested in talking with regard you question please contact Jon Collins Stones Bullion Collinsa4aol - 10 August 2010 at 1:36 pm We are a bullion company in the UK we have recently been approached by African mining Unions to supply us with unrefined gold products in large and small amounts they have all asked for MT 799 wwe trade with existing companies in Africa at 100 million level on a weekly basis This is a banking format we used several years ago they are asking for this prior to contract for us to supply our bank details and Mt 799 we are wondering with the resurgence of the MT 799 is there a scam with the MT799 that we mat not be aware of ie If they can somehow draw of the information we give them in the pre contract stages it is strange we have had over 30 requests this week Regards Jon Collins - 10 August 2010 at 1:44 pm How long are blocked money in the bank exposed to MT799 - 10 August 2010 at 2:21 pm Amit and with all respect for insidetradellc operator, contact us ceo. sogeraf at gmail dot com - 11 August 2010 at 7:53 am Hello Amit, My company gets investors, similar to the people that want to give you investment capital, and we invest in large Studio Feature films by paying for the marketing and advertising. The films are already made for between 10 and 40 million US Dollars. Then we put up between 5 to 10 million which comes back in first position before the studios receive any recoupment. Your investor receives a fee of between 14 8211 20 per annum and you receive a 3 cash commission on the funds invested and another 3 of the return. Please let me know if you have any interest in knowing more. - 26 August 2010 at 3:26 pm dear sirs i was approached by an agent he informed me send an skr from your bank for your property value and they will transfer immediately amount equivalent to the value of property in funds to your bank and u can use the money free for 5years, can u tellme what is this gimmick is it safe regds suniel - 31 August 2010 at 12:45 pm I have got many traders with me, am in search of good investors for this purpose8230and these traders are giving good returns. - 4 September 2010 at 1:42 pm I have tried to email u but the message from gmail quotDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently: - 16 September 2010 at 7:19 am for my knowledge there are at least two points which make a re-entry into private placement impossible for you: One is that you leased the funds. There are no leased funds allowed in PPP. The other is that you will have to declare that the funds are clear of any encumbrances. It looks like your funds were blocked before for some other purpose or for sb else, so they039re not free. When the history is other than impeccable you039ll have a hard time to get access to PPP. You039ll derail safely at due diligence stage and get banned from PPP programs for lifetime. - 20 September 2010 at 6:47 am BG 039s are accepted through certain brokerages, I trade through one that requires 20 deposit to trade the full amount of the bank guarantee. IE. Dukascopy in switzerland minimium 250k BG 50K to open account and trade 250k If you want more info go to currencytrading. ning and leave a msg or if you are a trader than go for it click on the tab on the left. - 20 September 2010 at 3:06 pm RWA Ready, Willing and Able if written properly it is an quotunder Penalty of Perjuryquot document ICPO Irrevocable Commission Pay Order in my opinion, as a Principal in Gold Buys (I have Accounts at major refineries, including an LBMA Member Refinery), a Broker nonsense document. These jokers will refuse to bring me together with their Seller until I039ve quotprotectedquot them by signing their ICPO 8211 and there are ALWAYS ways around it. Usually it means the Broker is NOT direct to the SellerBuyer, or isn039t sure of them. FCO Full Corporate Offer a description of the basic Terms of the Offer being made, including price, who pays for the shipping, etc (if a physical commodity), what benchmark will be usedto establish Closing Price, what discount there is from this Benchmark, etc Soft Probe to seek disclosure from a Bank without the Bank assuming any responsibility. Usually a red flag 8211 it is a Broker039s Term, not a deal maker039s term. POF Proof of Funds, a Full Bank Responsibility commitment from a Bank that a client of theirs has the money available. Any thing else is non-sense, and probably fraudulent. Proof of Product A Full Bank Responsibility commitment by a Bank that the goods being contracted for are as represented. If the Bank doesn039t have the goods in their possesion or under their control, usually fraudulent. And they ARE part of real deals. Scammers work best when they fake real things. - 23 September 2010 at 2:25 pm I wish I came across this site 6 months ago. I am in a unique position that if I am honest fell into my lap. I have a good friend who is a very sucessful trader (20 years). His requirement is only 250K to close a 5m deal (pool trade), the funds are required asap. The profits are split 47.5 to the BG asset provider, 47.5 to the investors and 5 to the trader. Each trade will make between 0.5 point up to 5 points, maybe more. This opportunity will afford the investor and myself a genuine gateway into PP trading. I can explain more once contacted. If you are interested please contact me on cowcodlive. co. uk. - 23 September 2010 at 9:20 pm hai jon callins i am very interest with you i think we can work together okay8230 please email me at clementekoyahoo we can make money with your gold i cant explain you here but we can make alot of money..regarding the african i dont want to say stop with them but they can use your bank information to do something that illegal cause it happens to my friend last time. wait your response8230or send me your email address. - 23 September 2010 at 9:59 pm My partner amp I JV with investors and principals for trade and other funding platforms. We are direct to tier 1 traders, investors, and various principals. I am a biz owner working on a film as well. Would like to touch base - 24 September 2010 at 11:53 am I have good contact to discount or trade the following Bank Instruments: POF , Once they are able to swift this through MT799,then we are sure of having something within days. SBLC: Once we have one now, we can have money 10 of the face value within 3-4 banking days. DLC: We shall accept DLC of any value and shall get withinn days too, some . BG: This is also like SBLC. Shall also get funds as per the contents on SBLC. MT10323 The volume has to be very high. We can get 5 MT103 One way swift Here, any volume can go. Shall also get funds within days. Email me via financialworldatt if you have any of the mentioned instruments. - 29 September 2010 at 11:28 am Dear Friend, I am in dubai working as represetativemandate of brazilian sugar refineriesallocation holders, Gold mines, Russian oil refineries Please contact me if you have ivestor for commedities gold, sugar and petrolium products, I have buyers and sellers, only do straight business and will get legal money only johnaxrgmail - 30 September 2010 at 1:35 am Dear All, If you have any investor ready and willing to do the commodity business, please conatact me i am in dubai working as Authorised representativemandate of brazilian sugar refineriesallocation holders, Gold mine and Russian Oil Refineries, I have seller and buyer need only the investor with profit sharing. Do only the serious and genuine deals, 5050 profit sharing (5-20 or above profit month) Interested investors those have sufficient fund please contact me to my mail Acheive only100 legal money as profit johnaxrgmail - 30 September 2010 at 1:53 am how can i be cheated after issuing mt760 Is MT799 still used by top world banks I asked Barclays, UK to issue an MT799 to a seller and they advised they no longer issued them. They advised the Seller would have to ask his bank to send a Status Report Request to them. - 18 November 2010 at 5:51 am i am a seller and i have a client that want t who pay me by an MT760 HE IS GIVIVING ME all the details of thedraft which i will pass it to you FUNDS ORIGIIN. 82308230. QUEUE8230. NATURE82308230. TYPE82308230. ISIN8230. CUSIP8230. BLOCKING CODE82308230. ACCES CODE8230. OPERATION COMMON CODE BENEFICIARY SCREEN CODE DTC AC MESSAGE MENTION TRANMITTER CORRESPONDENT and under all this details there is a message text for the mt 760 he is saying that the money are in euroclear and he has in his posetion a bankers draft issued by HSBC 1 HE WANT US AS ALAW FIRM TO CASH IT WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW. IN ORDER TO KNOW THE AUTHENTISITY OF THE BANKERS DRAFT 2 HE HAS IN HIS POSETION THE ORIGINAL BANKERS DRAFT. 3PLS ADVISE US WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW CONCERNING ALL THIS CASE. OPERATION COMMON CODE. Reply to this E-mail: mesterallyahoo - 24 November 2010 at 1:03 pm I am seller and i have a client that want t cash an MT760 HE IS GIVIVING ME all the details of thedraft which i will pass it to you FUNDS ORIGIIN. 82308230. QUEUE8230. NATURE82308230. TYPE82308230. ISIN8230. CUSIP8230. BLOCKING CODE82308230. ACCES CODE8230. OPERATION COMMON CODE BENEFICIARY SCREEN CODE DTC AC MESSAGE MENTION TRANMITTER CORRESPONDENT and under all this details there is a message text for the mt 760 he is saying that the money are in euroclear and he has in his posetion a bankers draft issued by HSBC 1 HE WANT US AS ALAW FIRM TO CASH IT WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW. IN ORDER TO KNOW THE AUTHENTISITY OF THE BANKERS DRAFT 2 HE HAS IN HIS POSETION THE ORIGINAL BANKERS DRAFT. 3 PLS ADVISE US WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW CONCERNING ALL THIS CASE. OPERATION COMMON CODE. reply to this e-mail. mesterallyahoo - 24 November 2010 at 6:01 pm Thanks let us have better understanding concerning BG Mt760 but can bg and MT760 work together. Is there are reasonI knew of a friend who receive BG via swift MT760. 1) Can BG be swift without MT760 because from your teachings here i understood that you can have MT760 swift without BG . Don - 25 November 2010 at 4:49 pm We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG. SBLC, MTN. Bonds and CDs which we have specifically for lease. We do not have any broker chain in this offer or get involved in Chauffer driven offers. We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in the agreement. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signature project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges and any other turnkey project(s) etc. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable. Below is our leasing Procedure. OUR TRANSACTION PROCEDURE AND DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS: DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS: 1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG )SBLC (Appendix A) 2. Total Face Value: EurUsd 50M MIN and Eur MAX Usd 50B. 3. Issuing Bank: HSBC London, Barclays Bank London or AA rated Bank in Western Europe or USA. 4. Age: One Year, One Day 5. Leasing Price: 5 of Face Value plus 2 commission fees to brokers to be shared 5050 between the brokers on both lessorlessee side 6. Delivery PRE ADVICE MT799 FIRST BEFORE SWIFT MT760. 7. Payment: MT799 BY Wire Transfer LEASING FEE BY MT10323 8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days. - 30 November 2010 at 3:29 am OK I HAVE INVESTOR ITS THESE TRANSFER FUNDS UPFRONT FEES THAT HINDER THE PROCESS I HAVE GUARANTEE SINKING FUND 5 FOR 20 MILLION FROM A REPUTEABLE SOURCE WHICH WILL BEGIN MY GREENLESS POWER PLANT IN NEW ZEALAND BANK INSTRUMENTS ARAEA HEADACHE. kawana071yahoojavascript :20hideMsgBox() i have bussiness plan bottom line i need an investor to use in the sinking fund for the 5 to begin in new zealand no time wasters just plain bank to bank legal fees - 4 December 2010 at 4:37 am i require fund for the instrument bank fees sheesh hi Amit, It appears that I039m looking at your post very late. However, if you039re still looking at good investment tracks, please contact me at vgk1981 gmail. I deal in the commodities sector and there is a acquisition play at a slight discount. - 12 January 2011 at 4:37 am For a 100m quantum, I hope you039re pulling out all the stops in your due diligence. An MT799 is merely an advise, a way of showing that you039re a credible party with funds. Just note that too many scams seem to be originating from HSBC London. if you have an independant contact in that bank, use that contact to verify as well. - 12 January 2011 at 7:56 am hello Nikhil, I have many investors and I039m looking for real traders. please contact me skype: ginamw128 - 24 January 2011 at 10:04 pm What does it means If MT799 has veribage like this: Is that they are trying to scam THIS POF IS TRANSFERABLE, UNCONDITIONAL, ASSIGNABLE AND DIVISIBLE WE FURTHER CONFIRM THAT THIS CD IS AVAILABLE IN THE AFOREMENTIONED ACCOUNT FOR THIS TRANSACTION CODE ABOVE IN FAVOR OF xxxxxxxx, ON BEHALF OF xxxxx AND THAT THESE FUNDS WILL REMAIN UNENCUMBERED AND RESERVED FOR BENEFICIARY NAMED ABOVE FOR A PERIOD OF 365 DAYS. - 29 January 2011 at 10:54 am Hi James Williams please send me info on your proposal radeos at gmail dot com - 31 January 2011 at 8:59 pm Mr. Vital, Can you provide small bgsblc of say 5-to 10 million because my bank is ready to give credit line up to that for the first time and what is your payment method and procedure of 61 fees I don039t wan to be 100 sure that my money won039t be lost in case of upfront payment. later I can go for the big like 100 to 1 billion also - 2 February 2011 at 11:03 am hi, This is Prasanna from bangalore india, I am looking for leased BG to fund my software development project of 250 million USD, I am looking for 50 million USD BG from the bank , kindly send me more infi to prayaathigmail . - 10 February 2011 at 2:26 am Dear Amit, If posiable pls call vinay on 9900165969 to get real pictures in this regard, - 10 February 2011 at 2:32 am POF , Once they are able to swift this through MT799,then we are sure of having something within days. SBLC: Once we have one now, we can have money 10 of the face value within 3-4 banking days. DLC: We shall accept DLC of any value and shall get within days too, some . BG: This is also like SBLC. Shall also get funds as per the contents on SBLC. MT10323 The volume has to be very high. We can get 20 MT103 One way swift Here, any volume can go. Shall also get funds within days. Email me via accountsalzbk if you have any of the mentioned instruments. - 10 February 2011 at 7:46 am POF , Once they are able to swift this through MT799,then we are sure of having something within days. SBLC: Once we have one now, we can have money 10 of the face value within 3-4 banking days. DLC: We shall accept DLC of any value and shall get withinn days too, some . BG: This is also like SBLC. Shall also get funds as per the contents on SBLC. MT10323 The volume has to be very high. We can get 5 MT103 One way swift Here, any volume can go. Shall also get funds within days. Email me via accountsalzbk if you have any of the mentioned instruments. - 10 February 2011 at 12:52 pm I have a client who wants to open an account in which he would receive an mt760 for use as collateral. I do not have much experience with this particular type of document, but am surprised that this is proving a little difficult a lot of banks say they do not operate in this type of transaction. The issuing bank is the HSBC. Does anyone know of a reputable bank that would not have a problem receiving an mt760. - 15 February 2011 at 8:04 am Did you get a reply to this posting I would be keen to understand also why MT799 has this wording. Are you trying to close an oil deal with Russian Refinery - 17 February 2011 at 9:22 am Dear Sir, I want to have more information about this program of yours and how I can benefit from it. - 22 February 2011 at 2:39 pm DEAR MR ADVOCATE THE DRAFT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT IS PROBABLY A DRAFT FROM HSBC, POULTRY. LONDON. THE ISSUERS WILL TELL YOU THAT THEY HAVE THE DRAFT READY AND CAN ISSUE THE MT760, FIRST THE BRANCH THAT IT WAS ISSUED FROM HAS BEEN CLOSED, SECOND THIS IS A SET UP WITH THE BANKERS, BUT STILL WE WILL BE ABLE TO DISCOUNT IT FOR YOU BUT AT THE RATE OF ONLY 10 TO 12 AS THIS IS A ALMOST A FAKE BUT WE CAN GET IT DISCOUNTED PROVIDED A SWIFT MT760 CAN BE DELIVERD TO AN ACCOUNT IN UBS IN SWITZERLAND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUIRES PLESE MAIL ME AT victordcruzbankshare. uk - 25 February 2011 at 12:55 am leased funds are not acceptable for programs, but if you have funds in your account and blocked only a tear sheet and an mt760 will suffice but please be aware be advoced not to close any transactions sitting in a hotel all placement programs are by invitation only and done in the bank. - 25 February 2011 at 12:58 am I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also offer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lessee broker039s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email:(draftinstrumentsgmail, draftinstrumentsyahoo, sussane. terrygmail) or through skype: (alexey. lapshin2) in other to furnish you with other information. - 25 February 2011 at 12:20 pm how long will it take to conform - 4 April 2011 at 4:24 pm I work for a company called Blocked Funds and I think we provide the best services in this sector for MT760 and MT799 as well8230. BlockedFunds is the premiere agency for equity and debt-secured cash accounts, on a fixed-return basis, for Proof of Funds uses. We provide organizations and individuals the capability to complete long-term financing or meet other on-going project needs. Funds seasoned for six (6) months Account statements provided Funded from a 217 billion hedge fund Written Verification of Deposit Electronic account verification option Blockedfunds is the industry leader in providing short-term equity investments for Proof of Funds uses. With extensive experience in providing financial solutions for companies and individuals, we proudly offer you the advantage of dealing with a company that is known and respected in the industry for integrity and efficiency in successfully negotiating investments under the most favorable terms. Our portfolio allows us to secure financial backing for a single project of up to 5 billion, while providing a superior level of underwriting for our partners in evaluating investment opportunities in order to insure they meet specific criteria that are suitable for the clientrsquos needs. Our seasoned and industry-experienced representatives are available to discuss with you the wide range of consulting services we offer. We offer personalized services tailored to your situation and are committed to securing equity investments for specialized uses that you and your company might need. Our investment resources provide the flexibility needed to accomplish and meet our clientrsquos investment goals. - 7 April 2011 at 12:56 pm I have MT760. please send details for returns. - 8 April 2011 at 1:29 pm Good morning Sir My company has recieved a Swift MT760. and wish to monetized it. Can We cash it into Our company account Or use up to 20 then send the balance 0f 80 for humanatirian projects. - 9 April 2011 at 4:53 am Dear colleague, If you may to be interested in MTN. I have a direct contact with a resource Owner (Seller) who can issue MTN . Contract amount 8211 100 Billion Euro with GUARANTEED R amp E Issuer - TOP 25 European Bank Contract start 8211 ASAP Term - TEN (10) Years and One (1) Day Age - Fresh Cut MTN can be issued for a company (Buyer) who can operate such amount. Please inform me if itrsquos may be interesting for you and I will send you details. - 9 April 2011 at 2:53 pm Hello. I have a client that has a BG 1B from HSBC sign by 2 bank officers. They were trying to us it to buy MTN 039s from my provider. The issue is the blocked funds. The red clause credit says it039s good up to 90 swift MT760 US1 billion is this something that you could monetize The group that I work with doesn039t take blocked funds, however if it could be monetized to at least 500M I can get the MTN. I am direct to the Rep that is on the sell side of the transaction. Te buy is open to me and any others looking. If interested in working on thia please let me know ASAP. Thx - 12 April 2011 at 1:58 pm Hi. I have bank that will support our projects for energy and telecommunications if we have BG. Projects are about 100m eur. We are looking for partners in all of these projects. - 14 April 2011 at 5:27 am this is really great to see there are some leased funds company8230 But I think the best one is Blocked Funds 2711 N. Haskell Ave Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75204 Local Phone: 1-214-296-9552 Local Fax: 1-214-296-9552 Toll Free: 1-888-625-7518 International: 1 214-716-5018 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-625-7518 International Fax: 1 214-613-1640 Email: infoblockedfunds Website: blockedfunds Skype: goodman. atoztask Help line: 972-704-1696 - 15 April 2011 at 5:41 pm this is really great to see there are some leased funds company8230 But I think the best one is Blocked Funds 2711 N. Haskell Ave Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75204 Local Phone: 1-214-296-9552 Local Fax: 1-214-296-9552 Toll Free: 1-888-625-7518 International: 1 214-716-5018 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-625-7518 International Fax: 1 214-613-1640 Email: infoblockedfunds Website: blockedfunds Skype: goodman. atoztask Help line: 972-704-1696 - 15 April 2011 at 5:41 pm this is really great to see there are some leased funds company8230 But I think the best one is Blocked Funds 2711 N. Haskell Ave Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75204 Local Phone: 1-214-296-9552 Local Fax: 1-214-296-9552 Toll Free: 1-888-625-7518 International: 1 214-716-5018 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-625-7518 International Fax: 1 214-613-1640 Email: infoblockedfunds Website: blockedfunds Skype: goodman. atoztask Help line: 972-704-1696 - 15 April 2011 at 5:41 pm this is really great to see there are some leased funds company8230 But I think the best one is Blocked Funds 2711 N. Haskell Ave Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75204 Local Phone: 1-214-296-9552 Local Fax: 1-214-296-9552 Toll Free: 1-888-625-7518 International: 1 214-716-5018 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-625-7518 International Fax: 1 214-613-1640 Email: infoblockedfunds Website: blockedfunds Skype: goodman. atoztask Help line: 972-704-1696 - 15 April 2011 at 5:42 pm this is really great to see there are some leased funds company8230 But I think the best one is Blocked Funds 2711 N. Haskell Ave Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75204 Local Phone: 1-214-296-9552 Local Fax: 1-214-296-9552 Toll Free: 1-888-625-7518 International: 1 214-716-5018 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-625-7518 International Fax: 1 214-613-1640 Email: infoblockedfunds Website: blockedfunds Skype: goodman. atoztask Help line: 972-704-1696 - 15 April 2011 at 5:42 pm We offer loans, business finance, project finance, bank instruments like MTN, BG, LC, SBLC, PPP, POF, CMO. ATM Card, Bank Draft These services we provide at reasonable rates and conditions from reputable lendersproviders. No chains of consultants as we are in direct contact with the lenderprovider. Contact us for more details. Yours Jonathon David President Trust Finance Associates Consortium 5 Sycamore Avenue Abergavenny Monmouth shire Wales United kingdom NP75JY Contact email: jglc22HOTMAIL - 16 April 2011 at 7:12 pm What about 500M USD Contact me on corneliubodnar. au Please I039m not interested in time wasters, either you can or cant or your legitimate or not. - 7 August 2011 at 1:29 pm lol8230 MT760 is no problem by PPP. Without MT760 no creditline NO PPP. MT760 for PPP business is only: RESERVEDBlocked (administrative hold) FOR THE EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT OF TRADE PLATFORM, AND THAT THESE FUNDS SHALL REMAIN SO BLOCKED FOR A PERIOD OF Xxx CALENDAR MONTHS FROM DATE OF THIS SWIFT FOR THEIR FULL USE AND BENEFIT, (for the creditline) AND CANNOT BE WITHDRAWN DURING THIS PERIOD. Cash funds is NOT moved from Client account8230 - 17 August 2011 at 9:28 am Dear, we are not holding a PPP nor have access to those, our company is acquiring SLS Policies, re-insure them as a guaranty and then fund the guarantees. The majority of the funds is funding projects but we reserve a 20 per quarter to the initial investor. We can explain and prove the full process. Minimum investment is USD 3 M, maximum is USD 15 M. To access the Investment Memorandum, please send Letter of Interest and PoF thierrycrocketmail. This is not a business mail, for confidentiality reasons, our business mails and website will be disclosed to aproved investors. - 20 August 2011 at 2:35 am will be receiving MT799 POF - CONDITIONAL BG FOR US.5.375.000 MILLION IN MY NAME OR MY TRADING COMPANY - IVAN EXIM INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO. FOR SUPPLYING SUGAR ON CONTRACT BASIS. CAN I GET IT DISCOUNTED AND IF AFFIRMATIVE. WHAT PERCENATGE IT CAN BE DISCOUNTE. BEST REGARDS DAVID - 20 August 2011 at 1:46 pm I need a genuine bgsblc of 350 MILLION from AAA with POF AND CREDIT LINE FACILITY with no upfront fees and admission fee8217s interested one8217s plz contact me on anirudhamma143gmail - 28 August 2011 at 5:17 pm Hello. My name is Andrew. My company has shares worth 117 million. We want to put those shares in a custody account at any bank and get a bank guarantee MT799. Can you help us Write me an email zxandreigmail - 30 August 2011 at 3:37 pm I do not want to say much here cause I started off loosing my own money when I started off. But today we hold a corporation which beats the rest. Yes we are traders. And no we dont do fraud. We make money and help you in the same. And we have solutions for almost all of you. We deal with only the top banks across the globe. If interested please feel free to email me at paulalex. rileygmail We shall discuss further there. And please do value time. - 31 August 2011 at 2:17 pm I have good contact with client looking for real BG please contact: awjamsaijgmail - 10 September 2011 at 9:11 am Dobrovolskiy prokopiy said: I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also proffer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lessee broker8217s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email:(broker. prokopiygmail) or through skype: (Dobrovolskiy. prokopiy) in other to furnish you with other information. - 21 September 2011 at 8:14 pm INVESTMENT POLICY APPLY TO BE AN INVESTOR KETMOT OIL INVESTMENT is a package designed to provide guaranteed extra income for any investor willing to MAKE MONEY WORK FOR THEM. With various investment opportunities available in such a wide and open economy such as Nigeria, Oil and Gas sector still has the highest yield on investment. Even the nation at large profit from sales of petroleum product. At Ketmot, Investor039s money is used in day to day transactions. We have several demands to supply our products to reputables companies in Large quantity. These funds are used to supply products which generate a good profit margin for Ketmot on monthly basis. Based on previous transactions and monthly income, Ketmot can conveniently offer 5 monthly interest to investors without fail. KETMOT OIL INVESTMENT has been in existence for over three years. We put our investor039s interest first before the company039s interest. So far so good, monthly interest is always paid before 30 days cycle. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. INVEST TODAY FEATURES OF OUR PACKAGE MINIMUM PREMIUM PAYABLE: N1,000,000 (7000USD) MINIMUM TENOR: 6 MONTHS INTEREST RATE: 5 monthly Investorrsquos interest is paid into chosen account on monthly basis. LUMP SUM PAYMENT: An option to deposit lump sum (at any time) in addition to initial capital is allowed. SECURITY OF FUNDS: Principal plus interest is guaranteed upon termination of investment after 6 months. HOW TO REGISTER: 1) You fill our investment form and make sure you provide your account details for payment of monthly details. 2) You must provide a passport photograph and photocopy of identification. (National ID card or International passport) 3) After all is accessed, You make payment to company account and we give you an agreement letter stating all the investment details. visit ketmotoilinvestment or call 2348033457342 or 2348063297091 - 23 September 2011 at 7:22 am well, i interest abt this forum, i hv a client need sblcbg for face value min eurousd 50mio would you lets me know your procedure how many total of cost to lease or buy. tks - 23 September 2011 at 10:02 am would you lets me know you procedure for sblcbgmtn how many percent for lease or buy that instrument. - 10 October 2011 at 7:24 am I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also offer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lessee broker039s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email financialdraft55gmail ,) or through skype: (besik. katsitadze) in other to furnish you with other information. - 13 October 2011 at 5:38 am We write to offer you this co-operate offer for our product (gold) We intended to sell to any interested and prospective buyer under the following terms and condition. We therefore declare our interest and willingness to open discussion in respect of this at your earliest convenience. PRODUCT823082308230823082308230823082308230.A. U GOLD DUST. QUANTITY823082308230823082308230823082308230.275kg (Kilo Grame) QUALITY8230823082308230823082308230823082308230..23 Carats. PRICE8230823082308230823082308230823082308230.35.000 par kg (Negotiable). Shipment: The shipment will be carried out by freight and forwarding agent based at SAF TRANS HS SARL BAMAKO MALI at the Senou international airport. Bamako-Mali. Terms of Payment: 7 down payment will be paid after the buyer have obtained sample tested and ascertained as good, 93 and letter of credit payment at site. It is instructed to state that buyer will have to come to MALI to meet the board of directors and owners. OTHER TERMS OF CONTRACT: A contract agreement stipulating terms and conditions of this transaction will be signed between the BUYER and SELLER. AS such, buyer must as a matter of fact arrive BAMAKO MALI to sign all business and legal documents relating to transaction, which shall be binding both parties. A prompt reply will enable us commence without delay, the necessary arrangement that will make us conclude this business as prompt as would be practical. We look forward to doing business with you. Mr. IBRAHIM COULIBALY. Mr. Cheick Malick KIETA(PRESIDENT) ibecoulibalyyahoo. fr Tel: 0022363671044 GROUPEMENT DES COOPERATIFS MINERS DE KEKORO. - 14 October 2011 at 7:33 am We have major providers of Fresh Cut BG. SBLC, POF. MTN. Bonds and CDs that are registered with us and this financial instruments are specifically for lease and sale, our providers deliver in time and precision as Seth forth in the agreement. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs, project financing, Credit line enhancement, Corporate Loans (Business Start-up Loans or Business Expansion Loans), Equipment Procurement Loans (industrial equipment, air planes, ships, etc.) And many more. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS: 1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG ) SBLC (Appendix A) 2. Total Face Value: 10MILLION MIN to 50BILLION MAX IN USD or EURO 3. Issuing Bank: HSBC, London or Deutsche Bank Frankfurt, UBS, Barclay Bank UK or any Top 25 . 4. Age: One Year, One Day 5. Leasing Price: 6 2 6. Sale Price: 482 7. Delivery SWIFT TO SWIFT. 8. Payment: MT103-23 9. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days. If you have need for corporate loans, international project funding, etc. or if you have a client who requires funding for his project or business, We are also affiliated to lenders who specializes on funding against financial instrument, such as BG. SBLC, POF or MTN. we fund 100 of the face value of the financial instrument. Inquiries from agents brokers intermediaries are also welcomed Do get back to me if you are interested in any of our service - 16 October 2011 at 9:06 pm We can assist clients worldwide that need project loan or financial instruments, e. g. BG SBLC, CD. MTN. SKR. POF and bonds. we are pleased to announce that we can lend against MTNs and CD rsquos, BG rsquos, SBLCrsquos,.This total process could take as little as 10 days from start to finish, depending on the responsiveness of the borrower and the size and particulars of the instrument. Please feel free to contact us - 29 October 2011 at 12:50 am how can I secure the commission the Seller or Buyer have to pay it to us I inform you we are Facilitator Agency and put together Sellers and Buyers in order to make good deals together. As you know, we can not disclose the identity of one side to the other unless they will not sign and seal IMFPA with us. But what is happen if the Seller(as example) still sign and seal the IMFPA and meanwhile, under some explanations, he will say they haven039t closed any deal. How can we (as Facilitator) be sure of what they say8230how can I manage that It must be some solution8230otherway we sign and seal documents, waiting the deal is closed but the deal and commission will never come. So what do you suggest me. Please advice me step by step how to manage this situation. Thank you in advance, Liviu - 30 November 2011 at 3:22 am Dobrovolskiy prokopiy said: I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also proffer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lessee broker8217s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email:(broker. prokopiygmail, broker. prokopiy01gmail) or through skype: (Dobrovolskiy. prokopiy) in other to furnish you with other information. - 2 December 2011 at 5:27 pm JayBee Solution Limited is a private financial consultant with financial credibility where Individual and Corporate Organization fulfill their financial services we are financial consultant providing financial services to private organization, companies, government par stators and individual brokers worldwide. We are specialized in banking such as Bank Guarantees, Standby Letters of Credit, Bank Drafts, Medium Term Notes Etc8230. For Discounting: We Discount callable and verifiable Bank Instruments, and provide Collateralized Loans non-recourse loan no payback. We accept: BANK GUARANTEES, STANBY LETTERS OF CREDIT, BANK DRAFTS, LETTERRS OF CREDIT, MEDIUM TERM NOTES. For Discounting of Bank Instruments listed above the client must deliver the instrument to us by first sending us a scanned copy of it and passport copy for us to evaluate. We do Discount via swift MT-760, etchellip all instruments most have swift capacity to proceed. Client must issue our required documents the verbiage of which we have in readiness to provide. If instrument is less than A-grade, the discounting price will depend on from which bank itrsquos coming from, and other variables. Our minimum: 100 million. No maximum Bank Instrument only in USD or EUR. After verification etc, you will get your remittance. Private Placement Program: Our Private Placement Platforms trade mainly on Bank Instruments listed BG rsquos, SBLCrsquos, BDrsquos, LCs MTN rsquos client most submit Compliance Package, which often consists of varying documents, comprised of a Client Information Sheet (CIS ), Color Copy of Client Passport. Scan Copy of Instrument, Authority to Verify Funds (ATV) or Bank Notes to be used to satisfy leveraged capital requirements. Once the Compliance Package is approved, a formal invitation, in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding or a Trading Contract, will be issued to Client, which will require signature in approximately 24 to 72 hours. The MOU Trading contract will often have a set of instructions Client needs to follow to initiate the Trade. After the MOU Trade Contract is signed and returned to the Platform, Client will then need to perform the tasks Trade Group requires to leverage the Client039s funds for the daily Trading Process. Those tasks involve the issuance of a particular SWIFT Message such as MT 760 as specify by Trade Group on the verbiage of which we have in readiness to provide. Minimum requirement for invitation consideration is 100 Million. No maximum only in USD or EUR. We do not participate in any platforms that require the actual transfer of funds. Trading then commences shortly thereafter, Client will begin to see returns in four weeks. From then hence further, monthly payments will be divided to Client over the contractually specified Trading Period, which is most often in the range of Ten Month as specifically agreed. We also proceed on Banking Instrument that are not yet issue and we take SWIFT MT103 or MT10323. Thank you for your usual Co-operation. JayBee Solution Limited. - 3 December 2011 at 10:06 am - 14 December 2011 at 6:20 am HELP. I have (as of Tuesday 13DEC2011) received an MT799. This quotPreadvicequot was from HSBC Hong Kong to JP Morgan Chase. I am now being told that an MT760 is next. I was an investor that placed funds on a trade in October and Payment was due 12DEC2011. Can anyone tell me if this is the correct process as of today I have been told that they (JP Morgan) is verifying the MT760. Does this mean I will be getting paid in the next few days - 17 December 2011 at 12:02 am I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also proffer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lessee broker039s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email:(broker. prokopiygmail, broker. prokopiy01gmail) or through skype: (Dobrovolskiy. prokopiy) in other to furnish you with other information. - 19 December 2011 at 7:33 pm please contact me - 24 December 2011 at 5:56 am John, My Name is Lenny Stern and one of my client sent me a fro of 200kilo of gold in a MT799. I039m looking for people interested. Regards, Len - 5 January 2012 at 9:04 pm I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also proffer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lessee broker039s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email:(broker. prokopiygmail, broker. prokopiy01gmail) or through skype: (Dobrovolskiy. prokopiy) in other to furnish you with other information. - 8 January 2012 at 6:30 pm I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also proffersales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lesseebroker8217s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities todiscount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email businessfundinginvestments02 gmail, ahmedkan66yahoo or through skype:ashfaqahmedforyou. in other to furnish you with other information - 13 January 2012 at 1:04 pm Dear Vitali, I am interesting to know precisly your program, very much. We are looking after sort of quotBG quot to involved that is trading on private placement business ( rape amp sunflower oil, ura, petrol) Please send your active mail address to my: victor. svobodagmail tel. 0033699894209 thx. - 14 January 2012 at 12:05 pm My client needs draft with MT 760. Procedure would be forwarded to you. Meanwhile send in your procedure. Also, we need HSBC or Barclays. - 24 January 2012 at 8:10 pm I am getting a BG for US 500 million for supply huge quantity of oil. I need to show 2 of face value (5m) in my account for PB and once I get BG as MT760, I have to pay my client this 5 Million. Any chance any one can help me in this regards I can make a contract with the personcompany who is helping this, to go for any PPP or business profit share. - 26 January 2012 at 3:11 am Have client that can provide a Guarantee, including MT760 delivery. However, Beneficiary must meet client, explain stuffs and be able to block 2 in issuing bank. Contact cpa. hou yahoo dot com - 26 January 2012 at 1:46 pm We are a financial service company affiliated with a leading UK group, we have direct provider for BG SBLCLC from top AA rated banks in the world. HSBC London or HongKong ETC our leasing fee is 62 serious minded brokers and principal borrower only. Please contact Mr Anthony Jacob Contact. Mr. Anthony Jacob Email: anthonyjacoblive. co. uk Telephone: 44-207-060-9550 - 13 February 2012 at 8:15 am dear Jon, i just came a cross your adv here saying you are into gold buillion, please i have a real buyer who is looking for a real seller please if your company is real send us your offer and any other gold offer be it gold bar, gold dust here is my email: bobchichrisyahoo - 13 February 2012 at 11:14 am Dear Mike, yes i have a good provider who can issue mt103 two way also one way be it by swift or ktt upto any amount. if you are interested get back to me, we dont ask for any upfront payment only what our provider is asking for is bank endorse of ICBPO to guarantee that your receiver will pay after five banking day. if you are interested contact me: bobchichrisyahoo . - 13 February 2012 at 11:20 am Hi my name is Joe i have been working with this oil company that has Leased Mineral Rights on two (2) oil fields. But they need money to develope these oil and gas reserves. I have been looking for a CASH BACKED CD with a value of 100m. the oil company has a TRUST that will allow them to have a credit line of 100m if they can find a cash backed CD. This Cd is a non - callable, non-useable, non 8211 resource and it stays in the CD holders control at all times. The TRUST will allow verbiage to be sent by SWITF MT-799 so that control stays with CD holder and helps to control cost. Must a top teir bank. This company will not pay any upfront fees. They will pay 2-3 on backend. If you can help me with this project, please feel free to contact me by phone at 646 407 9316. or e-mail me at. joeerichardsonyahoo - 14 February 2012 at 9:29 pm I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also proffer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5.50.5)x. X IS Lessee broker039s Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading. Contact me through this email:(broker. prokopiygmail, broker. prokopiy01gmail) or through skype: (Dobrovolskiy. prokopiy) in other to furnish you with other information. - 17 February 2012 at 9:59 pm Thanks a lot for sharing this with all people you really recognize what you are talking approximately Bookmarked. Please additionally discuss with my site ). We will have a hyperlink alternate contract between us - 19 February 2012 at 2:38 pm - 2 March 2012 at 1:56 am I know this is off topic, but I have a feeling somebody on this blog will know. Does anybody know any banks that will issue a line of credit with a compensating balance deposit. I have access to institutional investors who will open a 1 year cd for my benefit with any financial institution who has eserve deposit insurance (FDIC for US). The CD cannot be used as collateral for the loan or put in any type of risk. However, they bankinstitution will have the long term CD for their own use. I go to banks and ask about this and they don039t know what I am talking about. However, I have been told this is not a new idea and has been done for years. - 2 March 2012 at 12:11 pm Hi, Amit. Its seems that you have a lot of confidence in your investors. I can provide you a programme where in you dont need to give cash for trading you have to issue Bg that too in India itself. Return will be provided in India itself after deduction tax. Incase you are interested let me know, give me your email ID, we have our working partner in Patiala. We can work out a safe programme. Plus we can give you last 7 years past history of the trader. I hope no one would provide you such offer. - 12 March 2012 at 9:17 am We are a Group with 13 Big Gold Mines in the North of the Mexican republic, all with their compleat documentation and studys, and the confirm gold existence certify, Do You know somebody who are interested in to set up the mines in some ppp program, I understand that is possible creating an assurance rape or policy, Thanks. - 12 March 2012 at 3:16 pm We have a direct genuine provider for BG SBLC specifically for lease, at leasing price of 62 of face value, Issuance by HSBC LondonHong Kong or any other AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East or USA. - 16 March 2012 at 7:15 am Providing Guarantees from a bank. for business purposes Leave message at houcp (at) yahoo - 7 April 2012 at 4:49 pm Dear sir, We are project funder with our cutting edge and group capital fund we can finance your signatory projects and help you to enhance your business plan, our financial instrument can be used for purchase of good from any manufacturer irrespective of location. We specialized in BG. SBLC, MTN. CD, LC. Non collateral loan, confirmable Bank Draft and other financial assistance from AAA rated bank (Prime Bank). The financial instrument can be invested into High Yield Trading Program or Private Placement Programme (PPP ). Please see our instrument description and leasing procedure as follow. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT: 1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee StandBy Letter of Credit (Appendix A) 2. Total Face Value: EurUSD 1M to EurUSD 10B 3. Issuing Bank: AAA Rated Bank (Prime Bank). 4. Age: One Year and One Day 5. Leasing Price: 5.01 6 6. Delivery: S. W.I. F.T MT-760 7. Payment: MT103 (TTWT) 8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier Service We specialize in Bank Guarantee lease and sales, there are two types of bank guarantee which are Direct Bank Guarantee and Indirect Bank Guarantee. Its used as Bid Bond, Payment Guarantees, Letter of Indemnity, Guarantee Securing Credit Line, Advance Payment Guarantees, Performance Bond Guarantee E. T.C. IntermediariesConsultantsBrokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100 protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved. - 17 April 2012 at 8:41 pm How do you indentify a MT760 and it is a genuine one - 26 April 2012 at 5:22 am Dear sir, We are project funder with our cutting edge and group capital fund we can finance your signatory projects and help you to enhance your business plan, our financial instrument can be used for purchase of good from any manufacturer irrespective of location. We specialized in BG. SBLC, MTN. CD, LC. Non collateral loan, confirmable Bank Draft and other financial assistance from AAA rated bank (Prime Bank). The financial instrument can be invested into High Yield Trading Program or Private Placement Programme (PPP ). Please see our instrument description and leasing procedure as follow. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT: 1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee StandBy Letter of Credit (Appendix A) 2. Total Face Value: EurUSD 1M to EurUSD 10B 3. Issuing Bank: AAA Rated Bank (Prime Bank). 4. Age: One Year and One Day 5. Leasing Price: 5.01 6 6. Delivery: S. W.I. F.T MT-760 7. Payment: MT103 (TTWT) 8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier Service We specialize in Bank Guarantee lease and sales, there are two types of bank guarantee which are Direct Bank Guarantee and Indirect Bank Guarantee. Its used as Bid Bond, Payment Guarantees, Letter of Indemnity, Guarantee Securing Credit Line, Advance Payment Guarantees, Performance Bond Guarantee E. T.C. IntermediariesConsultantsBrokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100 protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved. - 29 April 2012 at 10:51 am We have direct providers of Fresh Cut BG. SBLC and MTN which are specifically for lease. Unser Bankinstrument kann in PPP Trading, Discounting, Signature Project (s) wie Luftfahrt, Landwirtschaft, Petroleum, Telekommunikation, Bau von Staudämmen, Brücken, Immobilien und alle Arten von Projekten engagiert werden. Wir haben keine Broker-Kette in unserem Angebot und wir machen uns auch nicht in Chauffer-geführte Angebote. Wir liefern mit Zeit und Präzision, wie in unserer Vereinbarung festgelegt. Unsere Geschäftsbedingungen sind vernünftig, unten ist unsere Gerätebeschreibung. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS: 1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG SBLC) 2. Total Face Value: Min of 1M EuroUSD (One Million EuroUSD) to Max of 5B EuroUSD (Five Billion EuroUSD). 3. Issuing Bank: HSBC, London or Deutsche Bank Frankfurt or any Top 25 WEB 4. Age: One Year, One Day 5. Leasing Price: 5.0 of Face Value plus (0.5X) commission fees to brokers. 6. Lieferung: Bank an Bank SWIFT. 7. Zahlung: MT-103. 8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier innerhalb von 7 Banking Tagen. Alle relevanten Geschäftsinformationen werden auf Anfrage zur Verfügung gestellt. If Interested kindly contact me via Email: - 11 May 2012 at 4:15 am Como puedes decir semejantes tonteriacuteas, iquestque banco te paga para decir lo que dices. desconoces totalmente la funcioacuten de un MT760 en una operacioacuten de PPP. y encima de analfabeto financiero eres mal intencionado, seguro que alguien te paga por engantildear a los posibles clientes para que no hagan este tipo de operaciones en beneficio de los bancos. La pena es que los que estaacuten en este canal son tan analfabetos malintencionados como tu. - 14 May 2012 at 3:12 pm WE PROVIDE INSTRUMENT SWIFT MT103 AND KTT 103 ONE WAY AND TWO WAYS MAIL ME FOR PROCEDUREgtgtgtmohammedg05yahooltltlt - 31 May 2012 at 5:01 pm I am very late to your site. I do not know whether you got the proper person or not for your Investor and your need. I have one item selling program, for which I need only US 50,000 for Investment. US 100,000 would be very nice. We have a chance that by investing only US 50,000 we will earn US minimum US 300,000. and higher up to US 900,000 maximum in this month. Whatever income, we will divide among 3 of us. One part is for your investor, one part is for you, and one part is for me. This income is only within this month up to the end of June. If you keep this US 50,000 with me you and your investor will get equally earn US100,000 per month plus minus depending on at least one minimum business transaction. Monthly we are expecting two such transaction. This income, that is guarranted for the whole year. Because our buyers are throughout the world. I am 60 years old, have good health ready to work 12 hours a day, physically fit and no disease, have worked 25 years in middle east and is specialist in Hospital medical equipment. I hold a ENG Diploma from London, and a BSc ENG Degree from USA. I have many humanitarian medical program for future for any Investor if he wishes. If you withdraw this fund then only your income stops. This description is under plain trust, no scam, not any mentality to deceive others. If you trust me than contact me by my email semess2gmail Regards. Saeed Mohammad Ali Cell: 880 1670979746 SEMESS LTD J-44, PALLABI EXTENSION, MIRPUR 11-12, DHAKA 1216 BANGLADESH - 10 June 2012 at 2:55 am Today I replied to you with my message. Did you receive it. I mentioned that by only investing US 50,000 to 100,000 you have the chance of earning US 100,000 to US 300,000 in this month until end of June, for that we need to invest as early before mid June. secondly, if you keep this initial investment with us. then every month you and your investor has the chance of earning US100,000 each. That means for the whole year you and your investor has the chance of earning US 1 MILLION or more each of you. I am a medical Equipment specialist and many medical projects are under my plan. I am 60 years old, physically fit, no disease, can work 12 hours. I worked 25 years in Middle east Hospitals. I hold a Elec Eng Diploma from London and a BSc Eng Degree from USA. It is not fun, no cheating, no scam. You may contact me semess2gmail , Saeed Mohammad Ali SEMESS LTD J-44, PALLABI EXTENSION, MIRPUR 11- 12, DHAKA 1216, Bangladesh Cell: 00880 1670979746 - 10 June 2012 at 8:02 am I039m looking for some funds to run a new project. Can someone help me in obtaining a SBLC - 19 June 2012 at 12:14 am We assist prospective clients, individuals, companies, partnership, organizations and multinational corporations in achieving and realizing their business financial requirement. We offer project finance and business loans to companies and individuals worldwide with viable business projectproposal on considerable terms. We welcome your inquiries at any time regarding any of your financial solutions, your colleagues, or clients may seek, as we have many opportunities that can exceed your expectations in all of the areas we represent. All submitted project inquires shall be evaluating and approved by the investing banks within the stipulated time as informed. 1 Business Partnering and Joint Venture Offers. 2 Unsecured loans, Commercial loans 3 Worldwide project financing 4 Equity Loan Financing 5 Personal Financing 6 Issuance and discount of all bank instruments like BG, SBLC, LC, MTN, POF, PPP We are affiliated with as you know, Barclays Bank is an investment oriented financial firm desirous to invest money in the areas of agriculture, Real estates, Construction, Undertakers, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals etc. We can invest in any company with potentials for rapid growth and whose bylaws allow for foreign direct investments. We can fund viable projects, and also invest in any viable, lucrative and profitable business. However, we insist that the host country must be politically stable, have good taxfiscal policy, dependable investment infrastructure, hospitable people and above all, must be a democratic society. Thus Barclays Bank is presently sourcing for brokers and individuals that will work as their representative and agent in their respective countries. For Further Inquiries Contact Us. (infobarclaysbank2012-101yahoo. co. uk) - 19 June 2012 at 5:35 am Dear SirMa We provide Loans, BG, SBLC, MTN, POF, LC, SKR Discounting, Project Funding, Letter of credit, and lots more for investors, and can also work hand in hand with Brokers and financial consultants around the world. Alle relevanten Geschäftsinformationen werden auf Anfrage zur Verfügung gestellt. If you are interested contact us immediately by Email Thank you. Ashfaq Ahmed Khan For further inquiries: Contact: ashfaqkhan848ymail Skype ID: Ashfaq. khan307 - 20 June 2012 at 1:17 am AS A FINANCIAL CONSULTANT 8211 OFFERING SERVICES POST MY RETIREMENT AS A VERY SENIOR EXECUTIVE IN A LARGE PUBLIC SECTOR BANK IN INDIA 8211 I AM BEING APPROACHED BY MANY SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE SECTOR BUSINESS UNITS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING TRADING ACTIVITIES FOR PROCURING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 8211 TERM LOAN WORKING CAPITAL 8211 I CAN SUGGEST MINIMUM RISK INVESTMENT FOR SHORT AND OR LONG TERM WITH ATTRACTIVE RETURN (AND. OF COURSE, PROFESSIONAL FEES ) IF DETAILS ARE SHARED - 20 June 2012 at 7:22 am hi, am very interested in doing business with ur client regarding the draft on euro clear. how can ibe in contact with u, my email is educate22yahoo - 17 July 2012 at 6:59 am we have PROOF OF FUNDS (POF ) and STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) but the problem is it is expired how can i retrieved the line of credit should i have to follow up this to recipient bank for the re-issuance of credit line - 18 May 2013 at 2:47 am LEASING PROCEDURE: 1.BuyerBuyer signs this Letter of Intent with full banking coordinates and returns together with Client Information Sheet, board resolution, IMFPA and scanned copy of their passport and client bank RWA and recent Tear sheet of 3 days at least along with DOA. 2.Along with the submission of DOA, Buyer shall send Bank Statement of latest 3 days to show his funding capacity to issue BlockFunds MT799 Swift for 52, as a part of BG Purchase. 3.Seller complete Due Diligence within 72 hours, countersigns and returns the Letter of Intent, along with Client Information Sheet and enlarged scanned copy of signatory passport. Making the Letter of Intent a Binding Contract. Both parties shall lodge the Contract with their handling banks for record. 4.Within Two (2) international banking days after signing the Letter of Intent, BuyerBuyer must issue POF by SWIFT MT799 to Sellers Bank, to show their ability to pay for the instrument at the end of the transaction. 5.Within Three (3) international banking days upon satisfactory verification and authentication of the POF MT799, Sellerrsquos Bank will issue Pre Advice via SWIFT MT-799 Buyers bank, followed by MT760 upon . 6.Within Three (3) international banking days upon successful authentication of SWIFT MT-760, Beneficiaryrsquos Bank will release MT103 to cover the cost of the INSTRUMENT. 7.Hard Copy of the BGs will be delivered to Beneficiaryrsquos Bank within Seven (7) international banking days via bonded bank courier. Dear Experts. Kindly replay with your informative advice about the procedures above which i039m ready to buy a BG in amount of 200 million Eurofrom the provider XXXX in Frankfort . Regards - 19 May 2013 at 6:47 am We offer fresh cut bank instrument for leasesale, such as BG, loan, SBLC, MTN. Bank Bonds, Bank Draft, T strips and other. Leased Instruments can be obtained at minimal expense to the borrower compared to other banking options and we also discountmonetize BG 039s. Dieses Angebot ist für Einzelpersonen und Körperschaften offen. If in need of our services, contact me for detail information. Email: INGlondon Tel 447937141830 - 29 May 2013 at 3:27 pm am looking for real PPP that trades bank instruments. ( BG and MTN ). Our credit instruments range from 18 Billion USD, 50B USD and 51B USD. If you can process these, please email me all your procedure and about your company and your successful program details at quot myfirstemailyahoo. au quot - 18 June 2013 at 12:28 am
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